The trust has excuted the services will effect from May 2017 in different villages comes under Gollahalli Panchayat viz expansion of village roads, street lights overhead water tanks , playground & park , library books & building for water purification plant. Besides , the trust has provided clothes , food materials & medicines to the flood effected areas of Chennai in December 2015
Several developmental activities have been taken up by the Trust in fulfilling its objective of village development.
The narrow approach road has been widened and repaired for a distance of about 1/2 km. and the storm water drain repaired
A piece of land earmarked by the government for the activities of the villagers is being developed with permission, as a play ground for children and a place for walking and relaxation for the elderly in the village
A few local villagers have been provided employment at the Service Centre of the Trust
Local youth groups have volunteered to render service at the Centre
Free coaching classes to children of the village (all grades) are being held
Empowering women through vocational training